Beautiful outdoor portraits: Golden hour on Dam Square, Amsterdam

When I heard from A that she would like to be photographed in her Indian traditional dress, I immediately thought of Dam Square. It was not because the Dam is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Amsterdam, but somehow at that point, I already envisioned a beautiful photo where A, in her traditional dress, standing by the Royal Palace with the soft, warm sunlight on her cheeks and the fresh autumn breeze in her hair.

My first impression of A was a young, cheerful girl who laughs a lot and is more open to a real conversation rather than some small-talks. Different from most people, A didn’t have the “love at first sight” spark with Amsterdam, where she’s moved to more than 2 years ago. The love for the city slowly started to grow on her when the twenty-something girl spent hours cycling along the canal accross the city. During her trips, she discovered a different perspective of Amsterdam that is much more zen and peaceful as opposed to the well-known busy streets. And she’s been in love with Amsterdam ever since.

Tim and I chose a September morning to do the photoshoot as the early autumn sun is still warm yet softer compared to that in mid summer. Shortly after the sun started showing is the best timing to make photos in order to archieve the exact vision that I had of A. We had loads of fun photographing and it was so hard for me to make the final selection of the photos to be delivered as they’re all just so amazing.

Do you also want portraits of yourself, either in or outdoors? Don’t hesitate to let us know your stories.

an indian woman dancing in her traditional scarf on Dam Square Amsterdam asian woman presents her handmade scarf with historical chandeliers in the background
beautiful portrait of an indian woman during sunrise
a closeup of a young indian woman with perfect skin, smile and hair an attractive look and smile shown by a lady in colourful clothing